

Some students will want us to guide them through the process from start to finish.  Our comprehensive package will typically start during a student's Junior year of high school and end when the acceptance letters have arrived.

  • Includes 12-14 One-to-one college counseling sessions plus unlimited email support and limited phone and text support
  • Conduct in-depth student interview which will then guide students through assessments of individual strengths, interests, learning styles, attributes, academic and career goals and preferences for types of college and learning environments
  • Develop a college list with each student that would match the student's interest and profile
  • Provide guidance and assistance in planning college visits
  • Access to an online college plan, an online project management system that allows counselor and students to organize and manage the college application process
  • Customized reminders of registration and testing dates, application deadlines and financial aid deadlines
  • A complete detailed review of the student's academic and testing records along with activities and areas of interest
  • Assistance in building a resume for the application process
  • Assistance in developing a testing plan for the ACT or SAT and AP and IB exams
  • Recommendations for summer programs or additional extra curricular involvement
  • Provide assistance in the college essay/personal statement portion of the application. This will include brainstorming, feedback and proofreading of all essays and supplemental information
  • Review of up to 10 college applications
  • Working together to come up with a strategic approach to applying to college which could include binding and non-binding admission decisions
  • Provide limited information on scholarship search resources